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Dykey steals show at end-of-season dinner

Dykey steals show at end-of-season dinner

Nick Friend12 Oct - 13:49
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Raffle raises valuable funds as Victoria Stakes hosts another lovely October evening

A huge thanks to all involved in organising another successful end-of-season dinner at the Victoria Stakes.

It was lovely to see such a diverse turnout from across the club, in particular the tables populated by former players.

We toasted club captain Elliot Lowe, who is moving to Australia, and celebrated community awards won by John Francis, Pete Hollman and Nick Friend, as well as hearing from 5s title-winning skipper Alex Thomas.

But it was Matt Dyke, on his guitar, who stole the show, with Evan Flowers and Will Cracknell both joining him on stage at different times.

Richard Nicoll won the main prize in this year's raffle, which raised more than £1,000 for the club.

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